Friday, September 26, 2014

Are GMOs Changing your DNA? The Truth May Shock You...

When I talk about GMOs, my friends and family usually draw a blank... lol I can't blame them - I've only been following this since around 2010, so I can't expect them to just say, "Oh yeah, I know what you mean man..."

GMOs are the least covered yet MOST dangerous man-made threat to our society as a whole, PERIOD. If we don't become aware and speak out about it, the devastation will be felt world wide, in every country... let me explain: First, what the heck is a GMO anyway??

Genetically Modified Organisms are not to be confused with hybrids and cross-pollinated plants, that's ok - that's just forcing two varieties to reproduce for a new color or to increase sensitivity to cold, for examples.

The GMOs we are talking about here are corn, soy, canola, sugar, cotton, and a few other cash crops that have had their DNA altered to include things like pesticide (BT Toxin) and weed-killer (Round-Up). When insects eat GMO crops, their guts basically blow up! But that's not all...

What's more is that some crops, like corn, have had their reproductive genes taken out! You have to buy more corn directly from Monsanto from season to season because your corn will not produce seeds! What ever will me do for popcorn, lol. But seriously it get's worse....

istock000004767349smallThe second thing you have to understand is what they say is true, you really are what you eat! Think about the flamingo. Did you know that flamingos are born with white feathers and because of their diet (shrimp), they turn pink or orange. (click here for evidence)

What you can conclude from this is that YOUR DNA also changes and mutates throughout your life depending on your life experiences AND depending on what you eat!

Now that you know what GMOs are and you know that your DNA can be altered by diet, let's put the danger of GMOs into perspective... When you are eating your favorite corn chips, there is a 88% chance that you are ingesting GMO corn.

 The bacteria in your gut then breaks down the modified corn, and eventually start carrying the BT toxin, RoundUp or sterile traits.

Click here to view full graphic
The danger is obvious, folks, as your own body starts to produce these toxins and eventually you lose the ability to reproduce. You don't have to believe me, there are several studies following this. There was a survey done in Canada a few years back that found 90% of pregnant women tested had this BT toxin in their bodies and over 80% of the newborns had it!

A study on GMO fed rats led to the development of cancer, hair growing inside their mouths and the rats that survived lost the ability to reproduce after the 3rd generation! Check out that article here. Just look at these franken-rats:

Monsanto is the largest company behind this perpetration. Their staff has even infiltrated the various commissions of government that are supposed to protect us! For example, Michael Taylor (Monsanto's former vice president) was just appointed senior adviser to the commissioner of the FDA... Thanks Obama... 'preciate that. The Monsanto's own cafeteria actually demanded organic food... one Monsanto scientist studying the effects of GMO-fed cows went and bought his own... Isn't that crazy? The BIG problem with GMOs is that the non-sterile versions ARE reproducing... soon, there will not be any God-given seeds on the planet... all will be cross-contaminated by these experimental freaks of nature!  
Is there Hope?
How do we stop this? Well, California almost passed a state-law requiring the labeling of foods containing GMOs... didn't pass because Monsanto ran campaigns supporting GMOs as a safe necessity to keep costs down and solve world hunger, etc.

The Seal Means It's Real
So, with no help from our government what else can we do? Simple. BUY ORGANIC!
Note: 100% Natural does NOT mean Organic! A company could put mercury in your food and call it Natural because it comes from the earth, but that doesn't necessarily mean you should consume it.

So, don't fall for any All-Natural labels, they can be misleading. Read your ingredient label! Stop counting calories and fat, just look for the Organic seal and organic ingredients which are usually labeled as such.

Also, don't shop these brands, as they don't want you to know what's in your food:companys-who-oppose-gmos
Remember, the FDA is allowing the above companies to not label all of the GMOs on their products. So put down the Dorito's and avoid it's GMO cousins all together. My goal was to write an EYE-OPENING post about GMOs and get you talking about it to your friends now that you are knowledgeable about the subject. I hope this helps! Stay healthy my friends... your health is your wealth.


Best Brain Food... Nom Nom...

Best "brain foods" available...

Organic Ginger

The brain-boosting properties of ginger register off the charts, according to research published in Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine. Volunteers were given standardized ginger extract, 400 and 800 mg/day. The researchers documented "considerable increase in memory, while brain oxidative stress was reduced," as reported by Carolanne Wright for Natural News. Another study discovered that ginger root minimizes damage from MSG neurotoxicity.

Chlorella and Spirulina for Pure Protein!
According to the Health Ranger, Mike Adams, a brilliant scientific food investigator and nutritionist, chlorella and spirulina are the most "astounding food sources on planet Earth." Most people have no idea that spirulina contains 12 times the digestible protein of beef. A phytochemical found in chlorella is known to remediate nerve damage in the brain and nervous system. Plus, chlorella is used in the recovery of patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Both can reverse cancer!

Organic Beetroot Juice

A relatively new study published in Nitric Oxide: Biology and Chemistry, a peer-reviewed journal, is the first to link consumption of nitrate-rich beet juice to increased blood flow to the brain. Many studies have revealed that it lowers blood pressure, but now we know that it also increases "perfusion" -- or blood flow to the brain.

Celery, Cabbage and Spinach

High concentrations of nitrates are found in leafy green vegetables that turn to nitrites thanks to good bacteria in the mouth. These help blood vessels increase oxygen flow, specifically to places that are lacking oxygen!

Organic Curcumin

Want some brain food that protects against diabetes and arthritis? Studies published in Experimental Gerontology found that curcumin improved vascular health in aging lab mice by ameliorating artery stiffening. The mice experienced no oxidative stress according to scientists.

Making the Brain and Gut Connection

Food we eat interacts with the gut, and the gut itself interacts with the brain by nerve and hormone signaling. This is why food choices are of major importance! When we're "starving" for a meal, we often grab what is convenient, and this unfortunately is manipulated by the Big Food (GMO/processed) industry in America.

Eat "organic brain food"

Learn more:

Ancient Grains and Why they are Important

What ancient grains and organic ingredients look like.

Take a tour of my kitchen with me!

Raw Meal Organic Meal Replacement

Organic, Amaranth, Quinoa, Spelt, Kamut, Almond Milk, Alkaline, Acidic, PH levels, healthy alternatives, GMO, Non-GMO, Raw, Wholefoods

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Is your Health Supplement Healthy?

You care about your body
and you spend a lot of money
keeping it healthy...
But what if your supplements
aren't even healthy themselves?

Quick test for all of you taking
protein shakes...
Look at the ingredient list.
It'll have a soy isolate... unless it says organic, 94% of soy is genetically modified to produce its own
pesticide... Are you ingesting DNA altered supplements
to get healthy? Many are unaware of the difference and
may be doing more damage than good!

Soy-based products also affect your body's
hormones and thyroid function.  They may also inhibit your body's
ability to digest protein!  The very thing you are taking it for.
This puts stress on the pancreas to produce more enzymes and
can lead to more problems down the line.

Not to mention, fillers like wood pulp
and exito-toxins like MSG also end up in supplements!  

Even the capsules of most other supplements are plastic-based
and are carcinogenic... meaning cancer-causing... WHAT?

Introducing WUNFit!

I'm happy to say, I'm excited to represent this WUNFit
product line and to present their products!
High-quality stuff... Non-GMO, lactose-free, gluten-free...
No artificial sweeteners or ingredients... they really got it RIGHT!

More to come...


About this Blog

Hello World!
My name is Jerry Goins and I will be updating this blog weekly with new trends and health news that you can use to help you become a healthier person.  I am also a distributor of a scientifically-proven line of health supplements called WUNFit.  There will be specific posts explaining what makes these products revolutionary later...

My health journey started when I began researching the ingredients in my food after suffering from kidney pain for a few weeks.  My research revealed that my multivitamin combined with my bottled water that contained minerals for "enhanced flavor" was could cause kidney stones! I had a moment of epiphany that I really have to watch what I'm eating and drinking.  I quit taking the vitamin and switched to a natural water brand, Deer Park, and my pain went away in a few days!

Years later I still read the ingredients and research current trends in health to help other people now too.

Thanks for reading,